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Photo of Mario Alberto Fonseca Costa Rica

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RESUME NAME: Mario Alberto Fonseca Jimnez. DATE OF BIRTH: November 5, 1975. PHONE: (506) 2244-2517 (506) 8880-7992 EMAIL: Studies mariofonseca50@hotmail.com mariofonsecatallerdearte@yahoo.com WWW.marioalbertofonseca.blogspot.com 1995 Drawing I and Drawing artistic artistic II. Creative Institute. San Pedro, Costa Rica. 1998 Course of color photography, Black & White National Auditorium, CNCC. San Jos, Costa Rica. 2001...

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RESUME NAME: Mario Alberto Fonseca Jimnez. DATE OF BIRTH: November 5, 1975. PHONE: (506) 2244-2517 (506) 8880-7992 EMAIL: Studies mariofonseca50@hotmail.com mariofonsecatallerdearte@yahoo.com WWW.marioalbertofonseca.blogspot.com 1995 Drawing I and Drawing artistic artistic II. Creative Institute. San Pedro, Costa Rica. 1998 Course of color photography, Black & White National Auditorium, CNCC. San Jos, Costa Rica. 2001 Studies painting, drawing, artistic Apreciacin. School House of the Artist. San Jos, Costa Rica. 2004 Art and Visual communication National University. Heredia, Costa Rica. Solo. 1997 Between Pain and Fear House of Culture and Delia Gonzalez Alfredo Flores. Heredia, Costa Rica. Interior vision 1998 American University. San Jos, Costa Rica. Revealed Expressions CafCalicanto, CENAC. San Jos, Costa Rica. 2002 Draft backwardness pictorial Theatre foyer 1887, CENAC. San Jos, Costa Rica. Sensations 2005 Casa de Cultura Popular Epidrmicas JosFigueres Ferrer San Jos, Costa Rica. Journal Submission creation video images of music Da Spain Park San Jos, Costa Rica. Group shows. 1998 8 Drawing Contest Social Security Fund. National Galera, Costa Rican Center of Science and Culture. San Jos, Costa Rica. 2001 Frames Prints Exhibition Workshop Print Artist School House. Filatlico Museum. San Jos, Costa Rica. Desire 2002 Emerging Artists Group Show. CafEl Candil. San Pedro, Costa Rica. 2003 Collective exhibition of plastic artists. Alluding to the play A Old Man With Wings. Fanal Theatre. CENAC San Jos, Costa Rica. Collective exhibition of plastic artists. Alluding to the play The Old Man With Wings. Teatro La Aduana. San Jos, Costa Rica. Aftermath Artists Collective Exhibition plastic. Cafel Candil. San Pedro, Costa Rica. Graphic Exhibition of Contemporary Mini Stamp 2 Annual Contemporary Graphic Arteum Galera. Zapote, Costa Rica. Preamble Cultural Exchange Exhibition organized by Galera Parthenos. Greece Mutual Alajuela, Costa Rica. Encounters Cultural Center Greece, Costa Rica. Plastic displays the Artist Recognition Ricardo Jimnez. Galera Parthenos Greece, Costa Rica. 8 Outdoor Art Fair. Representation of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. Roosevelt Plaza. San Pedro, Costa Rica. Grafica 2005 Spinning the School of Art and Visual communication Universidad Nacional Heredia, Costa Rica. 2006 International Arts Festival 2006 Parque Metropolitano La Sabana. San Jos, Costa Rica. Tribute to National Galley Guadalupe Posada Costa Rican Center of Science and Culture San Jose, Costa Rica XII Biennial Graphics Miniatures Luisa Palacios Corporacion Andina de Fomento Caracas, Venezuela. Inaugural Artistic Activity Project Blue House Blue House Heredia, Costa Rica. 2008 Schlampe urban intervention and Transitarte Presents 5 edition. Morazny Peace Park Garden of San Jose, Costa Rica.

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